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11+ Maths - PDF Book 3


11+ Maths - Must Know Topics - PDF Book 3. Digital Download. Covers everything you need to know about Fractions - including Fraction addition /subtraction / multiplication / division; Mixed fractions addition /subtraction / multiplication / division; Fraction Comparison; Converting Decimals and Percentages to Fractions, Worded Problems with Fractions and much more. Over 75 pages, 32 exercises with over 350 questions, detailed Step-by-Step explanation. This is a Textbook (teaches you techniques) and a Workbook (for further practice).  Includes lots of Tips and Traps to become 11+ ready. Get it on any device within seconds of purchase! Another Must-Have from elevenplusvocab.com!

11+ Maths - PDF Book 3 - Screenshotbook3